What I do claim is that I am a good mother. Of all the things I have done in my life, being a good mother is one of the things I take pride in.
Which brings me to how we live day to day with our kids in the house. I will admit, it would be easier if they were all under 2. I will admit I am lucky that the youngest one only has a year left in elementary school. However, with pre-teens and teens in the house they start to watch how their parents behave.

Part of our contract does state that He will not exhibit overt dominance in front of the children. He is very good about that, but that doesn't mean that they may not notice how I walk a step behind him. Or that I typically tack on "if you don't mind" to the end of many of my plans when they are there. Or that I don't sit and eat until He does. When they notice little nuances we pass many things off simple "respect" because much of it can be summed up as that.
Or maybe it is all in my mind. I always assume that my kids notice things (which I have been shown time and time again is not always true). Who knows. I do know that I will always encourage my children to find their own path. So when they are actually old enough to understand why their parents act differently than their friends parents will we talk to them about it... maybe. However, like any other "lifestyle" there is out there, it is not for everybody. I don't think D/s relationships are the only way. Just like I don't think "vanilla" relationships are for everybody (I hate the term vanilla). The only thing that is important to me at the end of the day they are happy and healthy.
Their parents in a strong committed relationship that works for them allows for a happy healthy environment for our children.
Now... just how to answer the question my son posed last night... "why is there a lock on your necklace".
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